A cryptocurrency wallet is a piece of software which is used to store and manage your cryptocurrencies and tokens. They also allow you to interact with blockchain technologies.

The working of cryptocurrencies is also a common highlight in cryptocurrency questions and answers for beginners. Popular cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum and Bitcoin work by using three basic pieces of information. The first important aspect in the working of cryptocurrencies is the address related to a specific account. The second important piece of information is the balance you would use for sending and receiving funds. Another significant aspect for the working of cryptocurrencies would refer to the public and private keys associated with a specific address. You can generate a private key by generating a Bitcoin address which would also help in identifying the corresponding public key. Subsequently, you can use the address as a representative of the public key for different transactions. On the other hand, the private key offers control over ownership of the funds in a specific address.

Each cryptocurrency transaction should be added to blockchain to ensure a successful and valid transfer. In order to add a transaction to a blockchain, you would need computational resources.

Regular money is fungible. This means that a Rs. 100 note can be replaced by another Rs. 100 note without any loss of value. The same applies to the cryptocurrency. However, NFTs are digital assets such as artwork, songs or collectables. They are unique and cannot be replaced by other NFTs. This makes them non-fungible.

Traditional works of art such as paintings are valuable because they are one of a kind. But digital files can be easily and endlessly duplicated. With NFTs, artwork can be “Tokenised” to create a digital certificate of ownership that can be bought and sold. NFTs can contain smart contracts that may give the artist, for example, a cut of any future sale of the token.

NFTs aren’t cryptocurrencies, but they are built using technology similar to Ethereum and Bitcoin. Also, like cryptocurrencies, NFTs exist on a blockchain, which verifies their unique identity and ownership. The blockchain also keeps a record of all the transactions connected to the NFT and the property it represents. Many NFTs are held on the Ethereum blockchain.

Anyone can create an NFT. All that’s needed is a digital wallet, a small purchase of Ethereum and a connection to an NFT marketplace where you’ll be able to upload and turn the content into an NFT or crypto art.

NFTs are typically acquired from different curated platforms that specifically deal in digital assets. Open marketplaces, like, are popular for buying and trading NFTs. For digital art, buyers can go to MakersPlace, Nifty Gateway, SuperRare and KnownOrigin.

NFT ownership is recorded on the blockchain, and that entry acts as a digital pink slip.

It depends on whom you ask. Artists, musicians, athletes, celebrities, and others find NFTs attractive because they offer a new and unique way to sell their wares — including things like GIFs, memes, and tweets — directly to fans. NFTs also provide artists an opportunity to program in continued royalties if it is sold to a new owner. Galleries see potential for reaching a new generation of collectors.

Blockchain is the core technology behind bitcoin. At its heart is a distributed data store. Anyone who participates in this network has their own data store that stores all of the transactions that ever happened on the network (this is also known as the distributed ledger).

Blockchain technology has a wide variety of benefits, for both global enterprises and local communities. The most commonly cited benefits of a blockchain are trusted data coordination, attack-resistance, shared IT infrastructure, tokenization and built-in incentivization. 

A Smart Contract is code that is deployed to the blockchain. Each smart contract contains code that can have a predefined set of inputs. Smart contracts can also store data. Following the distributed model of the blockchain, smart contracts run on every node in this technology, and each contract’s data is stored in every node. This data can be queried at any time. Smart Contracts can also call other smart contracts, enforce permissions, run workflow logic, perform calculations etc. Smart contract code is executed within a transaction – so the data stored as a result of running the smart contract (i.e. the state) is part of the Blockchain’s immutable ledger.

The metaverse is actually a 3D virtual reality that would enable people to interact with each other. You can think of the metaverse as a connected ecosystem of online 3D virtual environments, where users could interact with each other, create assets, play games, work and collaborate with each other. 

Yes! There have already been several examples of virtual worlds built using metaverse technology. One example is the Game Spore. Another one is called Project Sansar.

Virtual reality offers an immersive experience for anyone who can put on a headset. It enables anyone to see and work in a digital world. With full VR headsets, users can dive into a 360-degree virtual world, where people can move around easily. On the other hand, augmented reality is basically a reflection of the digital world in the real world. AR-connected glasses could help in driving the development of new 3D virtual environments, while VR could drive better engagement in metaverse participants.

The first promising use case of the metaverse is evident in the possibilities of using the metaverse for unlocking new marketing opportunities. People can interact and socialize with each other through digital avatars in the metaverse. Brands could capitalize on this factor for identifying favourable marketing opportunities. The metaverse could also open up new opportunities for creating virtual workspaces. For example, enterprises could utilize virtual reality developers for creating customized virtual workspaces suited ideally for company management and employees. You can also discover many other interesting use cases of the metaverse, such as creating virtual learning spaces or virtual tourism.